Monday, 14 June 2010

Who knows if it will last but...

The TV has been off and stayed off since just after Doodle Doo this morning! Admittedly the girls were at school from 9.30 - 12.30 but usually they migrate to the TV as soon as they get in and I don't have enough will power to say no most days. However, this morning whilst they were at school I braved town (and brave is right, I HATE town!) because I needed some more material for a project I need to finish by Saturday. After I had done that I wandered into the toy dept with a mind to have a look at some games for the girls. I found a HUGE wall of them! I bought 6 jigsaws of varying sizes and an Orchard Toys game called Crazy Chefs which is sort of like a guided Go Fish.

After lunch I cracked out the new toys and we happily played with them for an hour. Then they started getting moany and my legs went dead from sitting on the floor. Handily I remembered I had bought a bargainous toy a month or so ago and it was hiding upstairs intended for Clara's birthday in August. It is a playdoh carousel with a hair syle toy, ice cream maker, waffle maker on it. As well as all the usual cutters and squishers. The only downside of it so far is that shop bought play doh is too tough so I will bin it tonight and replace it with my lovely soft play doh (no the Super Nanny disaster recipe!) as I bought Cream of Tartar and excess plain white flour especially this month!

It is 3pm now, they have been playing happily with no TV for 2.5 hours. This is nearly unheard of, anywhere they go and there is a TV on show they ask to watch it! I may let them watch a movie after they are bored of the play doh. Will give me some peace and mean I can go and get on with making the changing bag I need to get done for a friend!

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