Tuesday 1 February 2011

Imbolc is here.

The wheel of the year turns ever onwards and today we celebrate the light slowly returning and anticipate the life that stirs in the soil beneath our feet. Today I decorated a Pentagram and a Goddess form for the Kitchen, I have one more to do for above the Front Door but that can wait until tomorrow:

I also made candles with the girlies... that is to say we made Beeswax candles and they were totally delighted to be able to make them on their own and even more excited when I lit them for them as they ate their tea.

I also managed to clean the house and make a plait loaf as an offering, well some of it anyway! The girls and I also anointed all the windows and the front door to banish the negative energy and welcome in the positive.

It was so much fun doing it all with the children and they were so happy to be helping me and getting involved with all aspects of our faith.

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