Saturday 27 February 2010

A Night Out!

I was big and brave last night and went, on my own, to Clapham to meet up with some lovely internet weirdies. Strangely for me it isn't meeting the internet weirdies that bothers me but the Going Out On My Own! I am a member of a lovely forum who are very close knit, fun to be around and supportive. Yes you get the occasional loon but that is true in real life! In fact some of my best friends were initially internet weirdies, I like the fact you can get to know someone before you meet them.

Anyway, I went out and I played Evanescence very very loudly in my headphones to block out as much of everything else as I could. The iphone directed me to the bar with only human error resulting in my brief moment of getting lost. There was a small issue finding the table but they spotted me just in time before I bolted and even bought me wine! It was a fabulous evening and it was great to put faces (and occasionally real names!) to usernames (and a bit of a confessional for me admitting my old username). I got fairly drunkled and had a fantastic evening with them.

Of course I have a hangover today so the children's play is very very very loud and Paul is scraping the fireplace as previous owners saw fit to paint it in black hammerite or possible gloss! We had a man around to quote for restoring it so hopefully it will look fab when it is all done!

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