Monday 10 January 2011

Preparing for Imbolc.

I am trying to bring a bit more of the Pagan into our lifestyle this year. It is important the children understand the wheel of the year and how we celebrate it. I like to keep things reasonably low key and as such am not big into ritual celebration. But I do like to mark occasions and the best way of doing that with the children is through [gulp] craft activities.

Imbolc is the celebration just before the spring comes. The goddess is recovering from the birth of her son at Yule, the light is growing stronger and stronger daily. It is a fire celebration so candles and flame feature heavily.

I am hoping one of our activities may be to make candles. I am going to try and track down some beeswax sheets for the girls to make candles from. I may make proper candles myself, I have seen a fab idea of garden candles that I might do with the girls (with them at a safe distance naturally). A little cooking might also be in order and setting out of candles at every window to light the house up. Although I think I will not leave them burning until dawn because of the fire hazard.

And, as always in this house, a Sabbat includes giving the house a jolly good clean to banish negativity and provide a nice environment to welcome positive energies and blessings in.

I must admit I am looking forward to Imbolc this year, should be good fun with the girls now they are old enough to properly take part in things!

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