Today I went into London to meet up with some t'internet weirdy friends to attend the Pro Choice Demo that was taking place opposite the houses of Parliament today. I attended to protect my children losing their right to an abortion should the need arise. I sincerely hope it doesn't for them but I want them to have the choice as to what they want for their body and their life. Simple really, no one else should legislate against a woman's choices over her own body!
Deeply jealous that you were there!
I believe in abortion the same way I believe in a triple heart bypass. You shouldn't rely on one, and should take appropriate precautions and live your life in a responsible way. But by God, if you end up needing one, it should be freely available, with no attached guilt/shame/trauma/lecture/stigma.
Good on you for marching about such an important cause.
Well done you for standing up and being counted - I'd sort of missed out that this was happening which I very much regret
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